

Cargo and mail aircraft

The aircraft used for the carriage of freight and air mail are presented in this section. The list of aircraft is submitted in chronological order by date of the first flight. This list is not yet complete. As soon as the relevant data is obtained the list will be updated.....

Blériot XI
January 18
The first official airmail in Europe, USA and Australia. More (in Russian with translation )...


The first air mail plane of the world.
More (in Russian with translation )...


Wright Model B
1910 Summer
The first cargo plane of the world. More (in Russian with translation )...


ASL Valkyrie B
1910 November 12
The first cargo plane in Europe. More (in Russian with translation )...


Hansa-Brandenburg C.I
The first sheduled air mail plane of the world. More (in Russian with translation )...


Junkers W 33/W 34
1926 June 17
The first aircraft specifically designed for the commercial cargo service. More (in Russian with translation )...


Bristol 170
1945 December 2
The first british postwar (WW2) freight aircraft. More (in Russian with translation )...

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