

Airliners 1935-1941
Page Three

  The list of airliners is submitted in chronological order by date of the first flight. The airliners are the planes performing commercial passenger flights of at least one airline. The list is not yet complete. As soon as the relevant data is obtained the list will be updated.

Lisunov (Myasischev) Li-2
1939 September 3
Basic Soviet airliner 1940s - early 1950s. More (in Russian with translation )...


Bloch M.B.161 / SNCASE SE.161
1939 December 15
The largest French preWW2 wheel-based airliner.. More (in Russian with translation )...


Curtiss-Wright CW-20 /C-46
1940 March 26
The largest twin-engined airliner of the pre-war design. More (in Russian with translation )...

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