

Airliners 1942-1948
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  The list of airliners is submitted in chronological order by date of the first flight. The airliners are the planes performing commercial passenger flights of at least one airline. The list is not yet complete. As soon as the relevant data is obtained the list will be updated.


Ilyushin Il-12
1945 August 15
The first postwar Soviet airliner.. More (in Russian with translation )...


de Havilland D.H.104 Dove
1945 September 25
The first airliner built according to Brabazon plan. More (in Russian with translation)...


Douglas DC-6
1946 February 15
The first Douglas airliner with with pressurized cabin. More (in Russian with translation)...


Canadair North Star
1946 July 20
Canada's first mainliner. More (in Russian with translation)...


1946 November 16
The first Swedish airliner. More (in Russian with translation)...


Martin 2-0-2 / 4-0-4
1946 November 22
The first post-war U.S. airliner for short-haul lines. More (in Russian with translation)...

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